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Welcome to

A Better Tomorrow

Vision : A Better Tomorrow envisions a community that has the resources to survive and succeed and values the well being of young adults and adults and gives priority to those most vulnerable.
Mission : Our mission is to fill the gap between those that have resources and those that don't have resources.
Strategy : Strengthen the regions capability to achieve positive outcomes for young adults and adults through collaborative engagements and investments with diverse partners that improve systems and system actions that have long term impact of the success rate and well being of young adults and adults.
Let Us Be Your Helping Hands 

Here at A Better Tomorrow our goal is to help you with resourcing opportunities , so you can be a resource yourself !! 


With our assistance, we aim to create and establish better walks of life for ourselves as people, communities and for further generations, starting in your very own neighborhood.  


Using social media (Facebook, Twitter, Snap-Chat, Instagram, etc.) as access points, we allow followers the opportunity to access multiple resourcing programs in the metropolitan area as well as surrounding regions


Newsletters and postcards for upcoming events are also used, as well as door to door canvassing in order to directly connect with residents in neighborhoods.


Email blast are also a part of our community outreach program to help inform those of up coming opportunities that might service those searching for multiple levels resourcing opportunities  as well.



In addition to our resourcing programs                        we also offer 


Service Works

Service Works is a groundbreaking, national program that uses community engagement and volunteer services as a strategy to help undeserved youth and young adults (11-24) develop the skills they need to reach their college and career goals.

  • 1 on 1 Training – Each participant (“Service Scholar”) is partnered with a mentor (“Service Coach”), who actively helps them articulate and accomplishes their goals.

  • Boot camps – During our one day boot camps, participants engage in sessions to develop workshops skills, and expand their networks. At the end, scholars work together to complete a service project.

  • The goal is that the combination of these elements will help to unlock the American dream for a generation of inner-city youth and young adults who face unemployment rates in excess of 15%.



Missouri Mental Health First Aid Youth and Adult Training

Mental Health First Aid (M.H.F.A.) is an 8-hour course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis. As a certified Mental Health First Aide, you will know how to implement the 5-Step M.H.F.A. Action Plan.

Participants in the M.H.F.A. courses have demonstrated improved confidence in providing initial help, increased the help that is given, and reduced stigma regarding mental health disorders.

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