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Here you can search for you what type of work your interested in by your location. 

Jobs For Those With Criminal Records

You’ve made a mistake in the past and now you’re looking for a company that will hire felons in St. Louis, Missouri.


Saint Louis Area Resource Directory


The START HERE ST. LOUIS AREA RESOURCE DIRECTORY (a 56-page booklet in print format) and this website provide general information, street addresses, phone numbers and websites for dozens of agencies, shelters, employment resources, food pantries and other organizations throughout the St. Louis area.


Computer Coding


Land your dream job in technology

Launch Code matches you with world class learning resources and job opportunities to help you launch your career in technology.




G.E.D/HiSET Programs


Missouri stopped offering the GED® and now uses the HiSET for the state’s HSE (High School Equivalency) testing. Listed here are all GED (HiSET) classes in Saint Louis and surroundings that will help adults become prepared for the HiSET exam. This way they can get a credential that is equivalent to a regular high school diploma.


Social and Mentoring Programs


Would you like to mentor and child or be involved in a social program ? These might fit your need.


After School Programs


Before- and after-school programs provide students with academic enrichment opportunities and activities designed to complement their regular school day's academic program during non-school hours by providing a range of high-quality services to support student learning and development, including tutoring and mentoring, homework help, academic enrichment (such as hands-on math, reading/language arts, and science programs), community service opportunities, as well as music, arts, sports and cultural activities. 


Saint Louis Housing Authority


The St. Louis Housing Authority commits to efficiently build and maintain desirable, affordable housing for residents of the St. Louis area through forthright leadership, innovative partnerships, progressive technology, and expansion of new resources. We seek to improve quality of life for our employees, residents, and the community by providing employment opportunities, education, training, and ethical, professional service.

Saint Louis Homeless Shelters Directory


We also provide other homeless resources such as transitional resources for the homeless.



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